News & Blogs
Out of control
Douglas Adams may have been onto something when he wrote in reference to planet earth: Don’t panic. It seems it is human nature that the minute things are out of our control, that’s exactly what we do. Panic. The current...
What are the solutions for problem plastics?
A new bill has recently entered British Parliament that aims to address what are known as ‘problem plastics’. The bill seeks a total ban on certain types of plastic in a bid to eliminate them and reduce plastic pollution. At...
How to present yourself well in unstructured interviews.
An unstructured interview generally follows a review of your CV and involves questions around your experience and ability to fulfill the role without having to complete competency tests. These interviews can be subjective so it’s important to know how to...
5 Top tips to gaining the Interview Advantage
Going for interviews can be nerve-racking. There’s the underlying thinking that so much is depending on the impression you create, how you answer the questions and what information you share. The pressure is on to come across as confident and...
Who's going to do the dirty jobs?
When Government announced its proposed new immigration laws for EU workers on the 19th of February 2020, it was met with a fair amount of disgruntlement from various industry sectors. While ideologically it may seem like a good idea...
What are the potholes in the road to sustainability?
Sustainability is a word that people like to use. So much so that it’s become an integral part of many a corporate marketing campaign. Retailers claim to support sustainable farming practices. Manufacturers claim to source products sustainably and consumers are...
How do we solve 13 billion recycling problems?
This week, James Foster - Head of Account Management at ACM Environmental Plc, gives us his thoughts on the proposed DRS and reverse vending. The Government’s 2018, 25 year environment plan involves several key strategies. One that has caught my...
Is getting clean creating a dirty problem for recycling?
A lot of emphasis has been placed on single use plastics as the major culprits of the plastic pollution problem. Bottled water, sodas and coffee cups are often singled out and people are discouraged from using them in favour of...
When opportunity knocks will you be ready?
With a start of the New Year, most people are talking about New Year’s Resolutions and how many things they are going to do differently. Eat healthily, go to gym, eat less chocolate, drink less, work harder, save more... Now...
Why is employee retention so hard to achieve
While it used to be commonplace decades ago for people to stay with a company for 10 or 15 years, now that is very rare. The ideal of job security has been replaced with career progression so staying at a...