News & Blogs
The oldest form of recycling
In older generations, anyone who grew up with older siblings knows all about hand-me-downs. When big brother Brian grew out of his shoes, they were handed down to Tom. And then possibly re-soled and handed down to Jimmy. When Jimmy...
What’s the role of EfW in the race to net zero?
Historically, EfW was seen as a large scale, mass burn solution to divert waste from landfill, reducing the volume of waste by as much as 95%. A second benefit is the reduction of methane generated from landfill sites because of...
Our place on the planet
It is interesting to have conversations about the state of the planet with different generations. While teens and young adults may be accused of being completely immersed in all things technology, the one thing that they have an acute awareness...
Is Green Hydrogen the key to decarbonisation and energy security?
The world is facing a seemingly impossible task in terms of energy security. To reduce carbon emissions there is pressure to transition away from fossil fuels and their derivatives. At the same time the demand for energy is increasing. While...
CASE STUDY: Coventry City Council – MRF Project
“Our brief to WasteRecruit was very clear: Explore the market for the best MRF manager who would be happy not running a MRF for the next three years’ and who can help us design and build a state of the...
Should the UK ban all plastic waste exports?
Last month the Chief Executive of the Environmental Agency suggested that the UK should consider banning all plastic waste exports in order to curb waste crime and stimulate local recycling. This announcement was met with a backlash from the recycling...
“When deciding to expand the business into the UK, it was imperative we recruited the right person not just for the role but for the culture of the business. The WasteRecruit assessment process enabled us to do exactly that. I...
Recycling for Precious Resources – The Future of Waste
Recycling for Precious Resources – The Future of Waste The role of the waste management is rapidly evolving and heading towards becoming a pivotal resource industry. In recent years the industry has developed from just waste collections, rudimentary recycling, and...
Who will bridge the gap to the circular economy?
As companies and members of the public become more aware of climate, social and sustainability issues, there is a growing sense that something needs to be done. In mainstream commerce and industry the question is where to start? Achieving a...
3 Challenges facing the transition to EV’s in the UK
Most people in the UK are aware of climate change issues and the need to reduce carbon emissions, even if they don’t fully understand how to go about it. That’s not surprising considering industry experts still don’t have all the...